How To Recruit Fullbacks

How To Recruit Fullbacks

A few days ago, I felt the urge to learn, master, and commit to the triple option. I have never had a dynasty where my team was built around this type of offense. The closest I ever came to that was my Kansas State dynasty where I ran Tom Osborne’s…
My Thoughts On Defense

My Thoughts On Defense

In the next day or so I will be starting a new dynasty in 06. I know what offense I want to run. I am going to be a heavy run spread option team, think tons of Triple Option, Speed Option, QB Choice, and PA Read from Gun sets, especially…
Anatomy of a Run Play

Anatomy of a Run Play

As I was thinking of how to express my thoughts on how I attack a defense with the running game, I thought that it might be best to break down, in separate posts, the different phases of how I utilize run plays in NCAA 06. I contemplated on maybe doing…