Below is everything I have and use regarding modding and console gaming on a PC.

My PC Specs

It seems best to start with my current PC setup. It is more than enough to handle the emulators below. You can use this to compare the specs recommended for each emulator.

Below is extra PC hardware I use if you’re interested. Most of this is for content creation.

PCSX2 (PS2) Emulator

PCXS2 – The main PS2 emulator. The site also covers their recommended PC specs.

My PCXS2 Settings – Before showing you my settings, I strongly suggest you watch this video first. This guy does a great job explaining how to set up the emulator.

Below are my general settings which is pretty standard for most users. I still use an older version of the emulator which will look different than from the video above, but the settings and where they are located should be the same. After that are my graphics settings which can be different for everyone.


MyMC – This is what you use to create memory cards and save files. Below that are two videos that walk you through the process and how to back up saves if needed.

Iso Files

Vimm’s Lair – This is the iso file database where you can download games for all kinds of consoles.

NCAA Next Mod

NCAA Next Mod – The NCAA Football 06 Mod for the PCSX2 that includes udpated textures and a modded game. Their site has both written and video tutorials that walk you through everything.

NCAA Football Playbook Editor

Playbook Editor – This is how I update plays in NCAA Football 06.