Below you can find all play images in the game. Team and custom playbooks share the same plays regardless of which nine formations make up a playbook. You have access to all defensive formations regardless of the type of defense you choose. I have not captured every default playbook as I always use and receommend custom playbooks, but one day I will capture them all.
Join the Vault to get full access to these files.
Formation List
Below is the complete list of every team offensive playbook and the formations within. You can use the search box to find anything specific. For example, type in “Tennessee” to access the formations in Tennessee’s playbook. Type in “Ace Spread” to see every team with that formation. You can also sort and filter each column. Just hit the “X” button by the search box to clear all filters and searches.
Air Force | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Air Force | Flexbone Slot | 20 |
Air Force | Flexbone Split | 21 |
Air Force | Flexbone Tight | 32 |
Air Force | Flexbone Twins | 21 |
Air Force | Flexbone Wide | 31 |
Air Force | Full House | 21 |
Air Force | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Air Force | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Akron | Ace Slot | 11 |
Akron | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Akron | Gun Normal | 11 |
Akron | Gun Spread | 10 |
Akron | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Akron | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Akron | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Akron | Pro Normal | 21 |
Akron | Strong Slot | 20 |
Alabama | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Alabama | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Alabama | Ace Slot | 11 |
Alabama | Gun Spread | 10 |
Alabama | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Alabama | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Alabama | Strong Normal | 21 |
Alabama | Strong Slot | 20 |
Alabama | Weak Twins | 21 |
Arizona | Ace Normal | 12 |
Arizona | Ace Slot | 11 |
Arizona | Ace Trips | 11 |
Arizona | Ace Twins | 12 |
Arizona | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Arizona | Gun Spread | 10 |
Arizona | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Arizona | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Arizona | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Arizona State | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Arizona State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Arizona State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Arizona State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Arizona State | Ace Spread | 10 |
Arizona State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Arizona State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Arizona State | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Arizona State | Weak Twins | 21 |
Arkansas | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Arkansas | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Arkansas | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Arkansas | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Arkansas | Gun Split | 21 |
Arkansas | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Arkansas | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Arkansas | Pro Twins | 21 |
Arkansas | Strong Normal | 21 |
Arkansas State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Arkansas State | Ace Tight | 10 |
Arkansas State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Arkansas State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Arkansas State | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Arkansas State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Arkansas State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Arkansas State | Pro Twins | 21 |
Arkansas State | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Army | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Army | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Army | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Army | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Army | Pro Normal | 21 |
Army | Pro Slot | 20 |
Army | Strong Slot | 20 |
Army | Strong Twins | 21 |
Army | Weak Normal | 21 |
Auburn | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Auburn | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Auburn | Ace Slot | 11 |
Auburn | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Auburn | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Auburn | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Auburn | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Auburn | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Auburn | Weak Twins | 21 |
Balanced Pass | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Balanced Pass | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Balanced Pass | Ace Slot | 11 |
Balanced Pass | Ace Spread | 10 |
Balanced Pass | Ace Trips | 11 |
Balanced Pass | Gun Normal | 11 |
Balanced Pass | Gun Spread | 10 |
Balanced Pass | Gun Trips | 10 |
Balanced Pass | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Balanced Run | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Balanced Run | Ace Slot | 11 |
Balanced Run | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Balanced Run | Gun Trips | 10 |
Balanced Run | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Balanced Run | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Balanced Run | Power-T Normal | 32 |
Balanced Run | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Balanced Run | Weak Tight | 22 |
Ball State | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Ball State | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Ball State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Ball State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Ball State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Ball State | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Ball State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Ball State | Strong Twins | 21 |
Ball State | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Baylor | Ace Slot | 11 |
Baylor | Ace Twins | 12 |
Baylor | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Baylor | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Baylor | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Baylor | Gun Spread | 10 |
Baylor | Gun Tight | 10 |
Baylor | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Baylor | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Boise State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Boise State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Boise State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Boise State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Boise State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Boise State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Boise State | Strong Twins | 21 |
Boise State | Weak Normal | 21 |
Boise State | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
Boston College | Ace Normal | 12 |
Boston College | Ace Slot | 11 |
Boston College | Ace Twins | 12 |
Boston College | Gun Spread | 10 |
Boston College | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Boston College | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Boston College | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Boston College | Strong Slot | 20 |
Boston College | Weak Twins | 21 |
Bowling Green | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Bowling Green | Ace Trips | 11 |
Bowling Green | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Bowling Green | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Bowling Green | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Bowling Green | Gun Normal | 11 |
Bowling Green | Gun Spread | 10 |
Bowling Green | Gun Trips | 10 |
Bowling Green | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Buffalo | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Buffalo | Ace Normal | 12 |
Buffalo | Ace Tight | 10 |
Buffalo | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Buffalo | Gun Normal | 11 |
Buffalo | Gun Spread | 10 |
Buffalo | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Buffalo | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Buffalo | Weak Y-Trips | 21 |
BYU | Ace Normal | 12 |
BYU | Ace Spread | 10 |
BYU | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
BYU | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
BYU | Gun Normal | 11 |
BYU | Gun Spread | 10 |
BYU | Gun Tight | 10 |
BYU | Gun Trips | 10 |
BYU | Strong Normal | 21 |
Cal | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Cal | Ace Normal | 12 |
Cal | Ace Slot | 11 |
Cal | Ace Trips | 11 |
Cal | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Cal | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Cal | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Cal | Strong Twins | 21 |
Cal | Weak Twins | 21 |
Central Michigan | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Central Michigan | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Central Michigan | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Central Michigan | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Central Michigan | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Central Michigan | Gun Normal | 11 |
Central Michigan | Gun Trips | 10 |
Central Michigan | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Central Michigan | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Cincinnati | Ace Normal | 12 |
Cincinnati | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Cincinnati | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Cincinnati | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Cincinnati | Gun Spread | 10 |
Cincinnati | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Cincinnati | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Cincinnati | I-Form Y-Trips | 21 |
Cincinnati | Strong Normal | 21 |
Clemson | Ace Big | 13 |
Clemson | Ace Normal | 12 |
Clemson | Ace Slot | 11 |
Clemson | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Clemson | Gun Normal | 11 |
Clemson | Gun Spread | 10 |
Clemson | Gun Trips | 10 |
Clemson | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Clemson | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Colorado | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Colorado | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Colorado | Ace Normal | 12 |
Colorado | Ace Slot | 11 |
Colorado | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Colorado | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Colorado | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Colorado | Strong Twins | 21 |
Colorado | Weak Normal | 21 |
Colorado State | Ace Big | 13 |
Colorado State | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Colorado State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Colorado State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Colorado State | Ace Trips | 11 |
Colorado State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Colorado State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Colorado State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Colorado State | Weak Twins | 21 |
Connecticut | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Connecticut | Ace Normal | 12 |
Connecticut | Ace Slot | 11 |
Connecticut | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Connecticut | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Connecticut | Gun Spread | 10 |
Connecticut | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Connecticut | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Connecticut | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Duke | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Duke | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Duke | Ace Slot | 11 |
Duke | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Duke | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Duke | Gun Trips | 10 |
Duke | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Duke | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Duke | Strong Twins | 21 |
Eastern Michigan | Ace Normal | 12 |
Eastern Michigan | Ace Slot | 11 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Normal | 11 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Spread | 10 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Tight | 10 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Trips | 10 |
Eastern Michigan | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
ECU | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
ECU | Ace Normal | 12 |
ECU | Ace Slot | 11 |
ECU | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
ECU | Gun Spread | 10 |
ECU | Gun Trips | 10 |
ECU | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
ECU | I-Form Normal | 21 |
ECU | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Florida | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Florida | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Florida | Gun Ace | 12 |
Florida | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Florida | Gun Normal | 11 |
Florida | Gun Spread | 10 |
Florida | Gun Tight | 10 |
Florida | Gun Trips | 10 |
Florida | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Florida Atlantic | Ace Big | 13 |
Florida Atlantic | Ace Spread | 10 |
Florida Atlantic | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Florida Atlantic | Gun Spread | 10 |
Florida Atlantic | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Florida Atlantic | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Florida Atlantic | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Florida Atlantic | Pro Twins | 21 |
Florida Atlantic | Weak Slot | 20 |
Florida Int'l | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Normal | 12 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Slot | 11 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Spread | 10 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Trips | 11 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Twins | 12 |
Florida Int'l | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Florida Int'l | Strong Tight | 22 |
Florida State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Florida State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Florida State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Florida State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Florida State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Florida State | Gun Tight | 10 |
Florida State | Gun Trips | 10 |
Florida State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Florida State | Strong Twins | 21 |
Fresno State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Fresno State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Fresno State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Fresno State | Full House | 21 |
Fresno State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Fresno State | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Fresno State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Fresno State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Fresno State | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
Georgia | Ace Slot | 11 |
Georgia | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Georgia | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Georgia | Gun Normal | 11 |
Georgia | Gun Trips | 10 |
Georgia | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Georgia | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Georgia | Power-I | 32 |
Georgia | Weak Slot | 20 |
Georgia Tech | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Georgia Tech | Ace Normal | 12 |
Georgia Tech | Ace Slot | 11 |
Georgia Tech | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Georgia Tech | Gun Normal | 11 |
Georgia Tech | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Georgia Tech | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Georgia Tech | Strong Normal | 21 |
Georgia Tech | Weak Normal | 21 |
Hawaii | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Hawaii | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Hawaii | Ace Spread | 10 |
Hawaii | Ace Tight | 10 |
Hawaii | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Hawaii | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Hawaii | Gun Spread | 10 |
Hawaii | Gun Tight | 10 |
Hawaii | Gun Trips | 10 |
Houston | Ace Slot | 11 |
Houston | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Houston | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Houston | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Houston | Gun Normal | 11 |
Houston | Gun Spread | 10 |
Houston | Gun Trips | 10 |
Houston | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Houston | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Idaho | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Idaho | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Idaho | Ace Empty | 10 |
Idaho | Ace Slot | 11 |
Idaho | Ace Trips | 11 |
Idaho | Ace Twins | 12 |
Idaho | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Idaho | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Idaho | Weak Y-Trips | 21 |
Illinois | Ace Normal | 12 |
Illinois | Ace Slot | 11 |
Illinois | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Illinois | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Illinois | Gun Spread | 10 |
Illinois | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Illinois | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Illinois | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Illinois | Weak Twins | 21 |
Indiana | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Indiana | Ace Normal | 12 |
Indiana | Ace Slot | 11 |
Indiana | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Indiana | Gun Ace | 12 |
Indiana | Gun Normal | 11 |
Indiana | Gun Spread | 10 |
Indiana | Gun Trips | 10 |
Indiana | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Iowa | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Iowa | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Iowa | Ace Slot | 11 |
Iowa | Gun Normal | 11 |
Iowa | Gun Spread | 10 |
Iowa | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Iowa | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Iowa | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Iowa | Weak Normal | 21 |
Iowa State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Iowa State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Iowa State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Iowa State | Gun Ace | 12 |
Iowa State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Iowa State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Iowa State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Iowa State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Iowa State | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Kansas | Ace Slot | 11 |
Kansas | Ace Spread | 10 |
Kansas | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Kansas | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Kansas | Gun Normal | 11 |
Kansas | Gun Spread | 10 |
Kansas | Gun Trips | 10 |
Kansas | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Kansas | Weak Twins | 21 |
Kansas State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Kansas State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Kansas State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Kansas State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Kansas State | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Kansas State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Kansas State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Kansas State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Kansas State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Kent State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Kent State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Kent State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Kent State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Kent State | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Kent State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Kent State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Kent State | Gun Tight | 10 |
Kent State | Gun Trips | 10 |
Kentucky | Ace Big | 13 |
Kentucky | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Kentucky | Ace Twins | 12 |
Kentucky | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Kentucky | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Kentucky | Gun Trips | 10 |
Kentucky | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Kentucky | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Kentucky | Weak Slot | 20 |
Louisiana Tech | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Louisiana Tech | Ace Slot | 11 |
Louisiana Tech | Ace Twins | 12 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun Normal | 11 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun Spread | 10 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun Trips | 10 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Louisiana Tech | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Louisville | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Louisville | Ace Normal | 12 |
Louisville | Ace Slot | 11 |
Louisville | Ace Tight | 10 |
Louisville | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Louisville | Gun Spread | 10 |
Louisville | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Louisville | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Louisville | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
LSU | Ace Bunch | 10 |
LSU | Ace Normal | 12 |
LSU | Ace Slot | 11 |
LSU | Gun Spread | 10 |
LSU | Gun Trips | 10 |
LSU | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
LSU | I-Form Normal | 21 |
LSU | I-Form Twins | 21 |
LSU | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Marshall | Ace Big | 13 |
Marshall | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Marshall | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Marshall | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Marshall | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Marshall | Gun Normal | 11 |
Marshall | Gun Spread | 10 |
Marshall | Gun Tight | 10 |
Marshall | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Maryland | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Maryland | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Maryland | Ace Slot | 11 |
Maryland | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Maryland | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Maryland | Gun Trips | 10 |
Maryland | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Maryland | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Maryland | Strong Twins | 21 |
Memphis | Ace Slot | 11 |
Memphis | Ace Spread | 10 |
Memphis | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Memphis | Gun Normal | 11 |
Memphis | Gun Spread | 10 |
Memphis | Gun Trips | 10 |
Memphis | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Memphis | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Memphis | Power-T Wide | 30 |
Miami FL | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Miami FL | Ace Slot | 11 |
Miami FL | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Miami FL | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Miami FL | Gun Spread | 10 |
Miami FL | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Miami FL | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Miami FL | Strong Twins | 21 |
Miami FL | Weak Slot | 20 |
Miami OH | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Miami OH | Ace Normal | 12 |
Miami OH | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Miami OH | Gun Ace | 12 |
Miami OH | Gun Normal | 11 |
Miami OH | Gun Spread | 10 |
Miami OH | Gun Trips | 10 |
Miami OH | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Miami OH | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Michigan | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Michigan | Ace Normal | 12 |
Michigan | Ace Slot | 11 |
Michigan | Ace Tight | 10 |
Michigan | Gun Spread | 10 |
Michigan | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Michigan | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Michigan | Strong Normal | 21 |
Michigan | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Michigan State | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Michigan State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Michigan State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Michigan State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Michigan State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Michigan State | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Michigan State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Michigan State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Michigan State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Mid Tenn State | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Mid Tenn State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Mid Tenn State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Mid Tenn State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Mid Tenn State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Mid Tenn State | Gun Trips | 10 |
Mid Tenn State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Mid Tenn State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Mid Tenn State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Minnesota | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Minnesota | Ace Normal | 12 |
Minnesota | Ace Slot | 11 |
Minnesota | Ace Twins | 12 |
Minnesota | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Minnesota | Gun Normal | 11 |
Minnesota | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Minnesota | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Minnesota | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Mississippi State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Mississippi State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Mississippi State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Mississippi State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Mississippi State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Mississippi State | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Mississippi State | Strong Twins | 21 |
Mississippi State | Weak Normal | 21 |
Mississippi State | Weak Slot | 20 |
Missouri | Ace Normal | 12 |
Missouri | Ace Slot | 11 |
Missouri | Ace Trips | 11 |
Missouri | Ace Twins | 12 |
Missouri | Gun Ace | 12 |
Missouri | Gun Normal | 11 |
Missouri | Gun Spread | 10 |
Missouri | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Missouri | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Navy | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Navy | Flexbone Slot | 20 |
Navy | Flexbone Split | 21 |
Navy | Flexbone Tight | 32 |
Navy | Flexbone Twins | 21 |
Navy | Flexbone Wide | 31 |
Navy | Full House | 21 |
Navy | Gun Spread | 10 |
Navy | Wishbone Wide | 30 |
NC State | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
NC State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
NC State | Ace Slot | 11 |
NC State | Ace Twins | 12 |
NC State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
NC State | Gun Normal | 11 |
NC State | Gun Spread | 10 |
NC State | Gun Tight | 10 |
NC State | Strong Twins | 21 |
Nebraska | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Nebraska | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Nebraska | Ace Slot | 11 |
Nebraska | Ace Tight | 10 |
Nebraska | Gun Spread | 10 |
Nebraska | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Nebraska | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Nebraska | Pro Slot | 20 |
Nebraska | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
Nevada | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Nevada | Ace Normal | 12 |
Nevada | Ace Slot | 11 |
Nevada | Ace Spread | 10 |
Nevada | Ace Trips | 11 |
Nevada | Ace Twins | 12 |
Nevada | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Nevada | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Nevada | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
New Mexico | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
New Mexico | Ace Normal | 12 |
New Mexico | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
New Mexico | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
New Mexico | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
New Mexico | Gun Normal | 11 |
New Mexico | Gun Spread | 10 |
New Mexico | I-Form Tight | 22 |
New Mexico | Strong Twins | 21 |
New Mexico State | Ace Normal | 12 |
New Mexico State | Ace Spread | 10 |
New Mexico State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
New Mexico State | Gun Normal | 11 |
New Mexico State | Gun Split | 21 |
New Mexico State | Gun Spread | 10 |
New Mexico State | Gun Tight | 10 |
New Mexico State | Gun Trips | 10 |
New Mexico State | I-Form Slot | 20 |
North Carolina | Ace Bunch | 10 |
North Carolina | Ace Twins | 12 |
North Carolina | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
North Carolina | Gun Normal | 11 |
North Carolina | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
North Carolina | I-Form Normal | 21 |
North Carolina | I-Form Twins | 21 |
North Carolina | Strong Normal | 21 |
North Carolina | Weak Slot | 20 |
North Texas | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
North Texas | Ace Twins | 12 |
North Texas | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
North Texas | Gun Trips | 10 |
North Texas | I-Form Normal | 21 |
North Texas | I-Form Tight | 22 |
North Texas | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
North Texas | Strong Slot | 20 |
North Texas | Weak Tight | 22 |
Northern Illinois | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Normal | 12 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Slot | 11 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Twins | 12 |
Northern Illinois | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Northern Illinois | Gun Normal | 11 |
Northern Illinois | Gun Trips | 10 |
Northwestern | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Northwestern | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Northwestern | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Northwestern | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Northwestern | Gun Ace | 12 |
Northwestern | Gun Normal | 11 |
Northwestern | Gun Spread | 10 |
Northwestern | Gun Tight | 10 |
Northwestern | Gun Trips | 10 |
Notre Dame | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Notre Dame | Ace Slot | 11 |
Notre Dame | Ace Spread | 10 |
Notre Dame | Ace Twins | 12 |
Notre Dame | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Notre Dame | Gun Normal | 11 |
Notre Dame | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Notre Dame | Strong Normal | 21 |
Notre Dame | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
Ohio | Ace Normal | 12 |
Ohio | Ace Slot | 11 |
Ohio | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Ohio | Gun Spread | 10 |
Ohio | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Ohio | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Ohio | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Ohio | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Ohio | Maryland-I | 32 |
Ohio State | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Ohio State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Ohio State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Ohio State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Ohio State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Ohio State | Gun Trips | 10 |
Ohio State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Ohio State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Ohio State | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Oklahoma | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Oklahoma | Ace Slot | 11 |
Oklahoma | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Oklahoma | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Oklahoma | Gun Normal | 11 |
Oklahoma | Gun Spread | 10 |
Oklahoma | Gun Trips | 10 |
Oklahoma | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Oklahoma | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Oklahoma State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Oklahoma State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Oklahoma State | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Oklahoma State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Oklahoma State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Oklahoma State | Gun Spread | 10 |
Oklahoma State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Oklahoma State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Oklahoma State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Ole Miss | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Ole Miss | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Ole Miss | Ace Slot | 11 |
Ole Miss | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Ole Miss | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Ole Miss | Gun Spread | 10 |
Ole Miss | Gun Trips | 10 |
Ole Miss | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Ole Miss | Weak Twins | 21 |
Option Run | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Option Run | Flexbone Slot | 20 |
Option Run | Flexbone Split | 21 |
Option Run | Flexbone Tight | 32 |
Option Run | Flexbone Twins | 21 |
Option Run | Flexbone Wide | 31 |
Option Run | Power-I | 32 |
Option Run | Power-T Wide | 30 |
Option Run | Wishbone Normal | 31 |
Oregon | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Oregon | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Oregon | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Oregon | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Oregon | Gun Normal | 11 |
Oregon | Gun Spread | 10 |
Oregon | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Oregon | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Oregon | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Oregon State | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Oregon State | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Oregon State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Oregon State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Oregon State | Ace Tight | 10 |
Oregon State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Oregon State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Oregon State | Strong Normal | 21 |
Oregon State | Weak Twins | 21 |
Pass Heavy | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Pass Heavy | Ace Slot | 11 |
Pass Heavy | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Pass Heavy | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Pass Heavy | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Pass Heavy | Gun Normal | 11 |
Pass Heavy | Gun Spread | 10 |
Pass Heavy | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Pass Heavy | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Penn State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Penn State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Penn State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Penn State | Gun Split | 21 |
Penn State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Penn State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Penn State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Penn State | Pro Twins | 21 |
Penn State | Weak Slot | 20 |
Pittsburgh | Ace Normal | 12 |
Pittsburgh | Ace Slot | 11 |
Pittsburgh | Ace Spread | 10 |
Pittsburgh | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Pittsburgh | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Pittsburgh | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Pittsburgh | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Pittsburgh | Pro Normal | 21 |
Pittsburgh | Strong Twins | 21 |
Purdue | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Purdue | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Purdue | Ace Normal | 12 |
Purdue | Ace Slot | 11 |
Purdue | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Purdue | Gun Normal | 11 |
Purdue | Gun Spread | 10 |
Purdue | Gun Trips | 10 |
Purdue | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Rice | Flexbone Normal | 30 |
Rice | Flexbone Slot | 20 |
Rice | Flexbone Split | 21 |
Rice | Flexbone Twins | 21 |
Rice | Flexbone Wide | 31 |
Rice | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Rice | Gun Spread | 10 |
Rice | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Rice | Wishbone Tight | 32 |
Run N Gun | Ace Normal | 12 |
Run N Gun | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Run N Gun | Full House | 21 |
Run N Gun | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Run N Gun | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Run N Gun | Gun Normal | 11 |
Run N Gun | Gun Spread | 10 |
Run N Gun | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Run N Gun | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Rutgers | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Rutgers | Ace Normal | 12 |
Rutgers | Ace Slot | 11 |
Rutgers | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Rutgers | Gun Spread | 10 |
Rutgers | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Rutgers | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Rutgers | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Rutgers | Strong Slot | 20 |
San Diego State | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
San Diego State | Ace Normal | 12 |
San Diego State | Ace Slot | 11 |
San Diego State | Ace Twins | 12 |
San Diego State | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
San Diego State | Gun Ace | 12 |
San Diego State | Gun Normal | 11 |
San Diego State | Gun Spread | 10 |
San Diego State | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
San Jose State | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
San Jose State | Ace Slot | 11 |
San Jose State | Ace Spread | 10 |
San Jose State | Ace Tight | 10 |
San Jose State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
San Jose State | I-Form Twins | 21 |
San Jose State | Pro Twins | 21 |
San Jose State | Weak Normal | 21 |
San Jose State | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
SMU | Ace Twins | 12 |
SMU | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
SMU | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
SMU | Gun Ace | 12 |
SMU | Gun Normal | 11 |
SMU | Gun Spread | 10 |
SMU | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
SMU | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
SMU | I-Form Twins | 21 |
South Carolina | Ace Normal | 12 |
South Carolina | Ace Slot | 11 |
South Carolina | Ace Trips | 11 |
South Carolina | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
South Carolina | Gun Spread | 10 |
South Carolina | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
South Carolina | I-Form Normal | 21 |
South Carolina | No Back | 00 |
South Carolina | Pro Slot | 20 |
Southern Miss | Ace Normal | 12 |
Southern Miss | Ace Slot | 11 |
Southern Miss | Ace Trips | 11 |
Southern Miss | Ace Twins | 12 |
Southern Miss | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Southern Miss | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Southern Miss | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Southern Miss | I-Form Tight | 22 |
Southern Miss | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Stanford | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Stanford | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Stanford | Ace Normal | 12 |
Stanford | Ace Slot | 11 |
Stanford | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Stanford | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Stanford | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Stanford | Pro Slot | 20 |
Stanford | Strong Normal | 21 |
Syracuse | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Syracuse | Ace Normal | 12 |
Syracuse | Ace Slot | 11 |
Syracuse | Ace Spread | 10 |
Syracuse | Gun Normal | 11 |
Syracuse | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Syracuse | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Syracuse | Pro Normal | 21 |
Syracuse | Weak Twins | 21 |
TCU | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
TCU | Ace Normal | 12 |
TCU | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
TCU | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
TCU | Gun Spread | 10 |
TCU | I-Form Normal | 21 |
TCU | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
TCU | Power-I | 32 |
TCU | Strong Twins | 21 |
Temple | Ace Spread | 10 |
Temple | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Temple | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Temple | Gun Ace | 12 |
Temple | Gun Normal | 11 |
Temple | Gun Spread | 10 |
Temple | Gun Trips | 10 |
Temple | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Temple | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Tennessee | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Tennessee | Ace Normal | 12 |
Tennessee | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Tennessee | Gun Spread | 10 |
Tennessee | Gun Trips | 10 |
Tennessee | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Tennessee | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Tennessee | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Tennessee | Strong Normal | 21 |
Texas | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Texas | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Texas | Full House | 21 |
Texas | Gun Normal | 11 |
Texas | Gun Spread | 10 |
Texas | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Texas | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Texas | Strong Normal | 21 |
Texas | Weak Twins | 21 |
Texas A&M | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Texas A&M | Ace Normal | 12 |
Texas A&M | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Texas A&M | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Texas A&M | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Texas A&M | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Texas A&M | Gun Spread | 10 |
Texas A&M | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Texas A&M | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Texas Tech | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Texas Tech | Ace Twins | 12 |
Texas Tech | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Texas Tech | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Texas Tech | Gun Normal | 11 |
Texas Tech | Gun Spread | 10 |
Texas Tech | Gun Tight | 10 |
Texas Tech | Gun Trips | 10 |
Texas Tech | Strong Normal | 21 |
Toledo | Ace Big | 13 |
Toledo | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Toledo | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Toledo | Full House | 21 |
Toledo | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Toledo | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Toledo | Gun Ace | 12 |
Toledo | Gun Normal | 11 |
Toledo | Gun Spread | 10 |
Troy | Ace Bunch | 10 |
Troy | Ace Normal | 12 |
Troy | Ace Twins | 12 |
Troy | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Troy | Gun Ace | 12 |
Troy | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Troy | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Troy | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Troy | Strong Normal | 21 |
Tulane | Ace Slot | 11 |
Tulane | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Tulane | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Tulane | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Tulane | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Tulane | Gun Normal | 11 |
Tulane | Gun Spread | 10 |
Tulane | Gun Trips | 10 |
Tulane | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Tulsa | Ace Big | 13 |
Tulsa | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Tulsa | Ace Normal | 12 |
Tulsa | Ace Slot | 11 |
Tulsa | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Tulsa | Gun Normal | 11 |
Tulsa | Gun Trips | 10 |
Tulsa | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Tulsa | Strong Normal | 21 |
UAB | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
UAB | Ace Normal | 12 |
UAB | Ace Twins | 12 |
UAB | Flexbone Twins | 21 |
UAB | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
UAB | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
UAB | Gun Spread | 10 |
UAB | Gun Tight | 10 |
UAB | I-Form Normal | 21 |
UCF | Ace Normal | 12 |
UCF | Ace Slot | 11 |
UCF | Ace Trips | 11 |
UCF | Ace Twins | 12 |
UCF | Gun Spread | 10 |
UCF | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
UCF | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
UCF | I-Form Normal | 21 |
UCF | Strong Normal | 21 |
UCLA | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
UCLA | Ace Bunch | 10 |
UCLA | Ace Normal | 12 |
UCLA | Ace Slot | 11 |
UCLA | Ace Spread | 10 |
UCLA | I-Form Normal | 21 |
UCLA | I-Form Twins | 21 |
UCLA | Pro Normal | 21 |
UCLA | Weak Twins | 21 |
UL Lafayette | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
UL Lafayette | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
UL Lafayette | Gun Normal | 11 |
UL Lafayette | Gun Spread | 10 |
UL Lafayette | Gun Trips | 10 |
UL Lafayette | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
UL Lafayette | I-Form Normal | 21 |
UL Lafayette | I-Form Twins | 21 |
UL Lafayette | Weak Normal | 21 |
UL Monroe | Ace Slot | 11 |
UL Monroe | Ace Twins | 12 |
UL Monroe | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
UL Monroe | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
UL Monroe | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
UL Monroe | Gun Normal | 11 |
UL Monroe | Gun Spread | 10 |
UL Monroe | Gun Trips | 10 |
UL Monroe | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
UNLV | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
UNLV | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
UNLV | Gun Ace | 12 |
UNLV | Gun Bunch | 10 |
UNLV | Gun Normal | 11 |
UNLV | Gun Spread | 10 |
UNLV | Gun Trips | 10 |
UNLV | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
UNLV | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
USC | Ace Bunch | 10 |
USC | Ace Empty | 10 |
USC | Ace Normal | 12 |
USC | Ace Slot | 11 |
USC | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
USC | I-Form Normal | 21 |
USC | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
USC | Pro Normal | 21 |
USC | Strong Twins | 21 |
USF | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
USF | Ace Slot | 11 |
USF | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
USF | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
USF | Gun Normal | 11 |
USF | Gun Spread | 10 |
USF | Gun Trips | 10 |
USF | I-Form Slot | 20 |
USF | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Utah | Ace Normal | 12 |
Utah | Ace Slot | 11 |
Utah | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Utah | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Utah | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Utah | Gun Spread | 10 |
Utah | Gun Trips | 10 |
Utah | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Utah | Strong Twins | 21 |
Utah State | Ace Big | 13 |
Utah State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Utah State | Ace Spread | 10 |
Utah State | Ace Tight | 10 |
Utah State | Gun Normal | 11 |
Utah State | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Utah State | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Utah State | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Utah State | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
UTEP | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
UTEP | Ace Normal | 12 |
UTEP | Ace Slot | 11 |
UTEP | Ace Spread | 10 |
UTEP | Ace Trips | 11 |
UTEP | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
UTEP | Gun Spread | 10 |
UTEP | Maryland-I | 32 |
UTEP | No Back | 00 |
Vanderbilt | Ace Slot | 11 |
Vanderbilt | Gun Normal | 11 |
Vanderbilt | Gun Spread | 10 |
Vanderbilt | Gun Trips Over | 11 |
Vanderbilt | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Vanderbilt | I-Form Slot | 20 |
Vanderbilt | Power-I | 32 |
Vanderbilt | Strong Normal | 21 |
Vanderbilt | Weak Twins | 21 |
Virginia | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Virginia | Ace Slot | 11 |
Virginia | Ace Twins | 12 |
Virginia | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Virginia | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Virginia | Gun Normal | 11 |
Virginia | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Virginia | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Virginia | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Virginia Tech | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Virginia Tech | Ace Normal | 12 |
Virginia Tech | Ace Twins | 12 |
Virginia Tech | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Virginia Tech | Gun Normal | 11 |
Virginia Tech | Gun Trips | 10 |
Virginia Tech | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Virginia Tech | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Virginia Tech | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Wake Forest | Ace Big | 13 |
Wake Forest | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Wake Forest | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Wake Forest | Ace Normal | 12 |
Wake Forest | Ace Twins | 12 |
Wake Forest | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Wake Forest | Gun Ace | 12 |
Wake Forest | Gun Ace Twins | 12 |
Wake Forest | Gun Normal | 11 |
Washington | Ace Normal | 12 |
Washington | Ace Slot | 11 |
Washington | Ace Spread | 10 |
Washington | Ace Twins | 12 |
Washington | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Washington | Gun Spread | 10 |
Washington | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Washington | I-Form Twins | 21 |
Washington | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Washington State | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Washington State | Ace Normal | 12 |
Washington State | Ace Slot | 11 |
Washington State | Ace Spread | 10 |
Washington State | Ace Trips | 11 |
Washington State | Ace Twins | 12 |
Washington State | Ace Y-Trips | 11 |
Washington State | Gun Trips | 10 |
Washington State | Strong Twins | 21 |
West Coast | Ace Bunch | 10 |
West Coast | Ace Slot | 11 |
West Coast | Ace Tight | 10 |
West Coast | Ace Twins | 12 |
West Coast | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
West Coast | I-Form Normal | 21 |
West Coast | Pro Twins | 21 |
West Coast | Strong Normal | 21 |
West Coast | Weak Twins | 21 |
West Virginia | Ace Normal | 12 |
West Virginia | Ace Twins | 12 |
West Virginia | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
West Virginia | Gun Normal | 11 |
West Virginia | Gun Split | 21 |
West Virginia | Gun Spread | 10 |
West Virginia | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
West Virginia | I-Form Normal | 21 |
West Virginia | Weak Tight | 22 |
Western Michigan | Ace 4WR Trips | 10 |
Western Michigan | Ace Normal | 12 |
Western Michigan | Ace Slot | 11 |
Western Michigan | Ace Trips | 11 |
Western Michigan | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Western Michigan | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Western Michigan | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Western Michigan | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Western Michigan | Strong Twin TE | 22 |
Wisconsin | Ace Big TE WR | 12 |
Wisconsin | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Wisconsin | Ace Normal | 12 |
Wisconsin | Gun 5-Wide | 00 |
Wisconsin | Gun Bunch | 10 |
Wisconsin | Gun Trips | 10 |
Wisconsin | I-Form Normal | 21 |
Wisconsin | I-Form Twin TE | 22 |
Wisconsin | Weak Twin TE | 22 |
Wyoming | Ace Big Twins | 12 |
Wyoming | Ace Normal | 12 |
Wyoming | Ace Slot | 11 |
Wyoming | Ace Trips | 11 |
Wyoming | Gun 2-Back Slot | 20 |
Wyoming | Gun Normal | 11 |
Wyoming | Gun Spread | 10 |
Wyoming | Gun Tight | 10 |
Wyoming | Gun Y-Trips | 11 |
Create a Playbook
Below is a video where I break down how to create a playbook in NCAA Football 06. For the longest time, I have always recommended gamers to create their own custom playbook in this game. It takes no time to make one and you get exactly what you want out of your playbook compared to a team playbook. This quick tutorial should cover everything about this wonderful feature I hold near and dear to my heart.