The Vault

1 review




Gain access to my Google Drive folder containing thousands of useful files. All ebook files in the shop, gaming playbooks on the site, real playbooks, and trackers make up a small portion of what the Vault contains. All files are available to download, print, and copy.

This is a one-time fee, lifetime access to all current and future files!

I will send an invite to access the folder after purchase. It’s best to use a Google/Gmail account to view and use everything.

Inside the Vault

Vault Updates

#DateFolderSub FolderChanges
1702/22/25FootballReorganized folders by decades
1692/22/25FootballNCAAAdded 2020 Oklahoma offense playbook
1682/22/25FootballNCAAAdded 2021 Ole Miss offense playbook
1672/22/25FootballNCAAAdded 2021 Tennessee playbook
1662/22/25FootballNCAAAdded 2023 Texas offense playbook
1652/22/25FootballNCAAAdded 2019 & 2020 Alabama offense playbooks
1642/22/25FootballProAdded 2019 Green Bay offense playbook
1632/22/25FootballProAdded 2020 Buffalo Bills offense playbook
1622/22/25FootballProAdded 2021 Houston Texans offense playbook
1612/22/25FootballProAdded 2022 Miami Dolphins offense playbook
1602/3/25GamingCollege Football 25Added Ole Miss playbook cheat sheet
1592/1/25GamingCollege Football 25Added Classic Pro Style playbook cheat sheets
1581/25/25GamingCollege Football 25Added Option & Spread Option playbook cheat sheets
1571/21/25GamingCollege Football 25Added Run & Shoot playbook cheat sheets
1561/20/25GamingCollege Football 25Added Defense playbook cheat sheets
15512/30/24GamingMadden NFL 25Added all playbooks
15412/14/24FootballNCAA & High SchoolAdded 2019 NC State offense playbook
15312/9/24FootballNCAA & High SchoolAdded 1999 & 2004 playbooks to Run and Shoot folder
15212/8/24GamingCollege Football 25Still adding cheat cheats including the 3-3-5 Tight (first defensive cheat sheet created)
15111/12/24GamingNCAA Football 14Added all playbooks
15010/26/24GamingMadden NFL 21Added offensive playbooks
14910/26/24FootballNCAA & High SchoolAdded 2021 Tennessee all-22 film in the Veer & Shoot folder
14810/24/24GamingNCAA Football 14Added Playbook folder with many playbooks (work in progress)
14710/23/24GamingCollege Football 25Added LSU & Texas playbook cheat sheets. Check folder for updates.
1469/7/24GamingESPN NFL 2K5Added all offensive playbooks
1457/16/24GamingCollege Football 25Added game folder & playbooks (work in progress)
1447/5/24The VaultRemoved Shop videos which are now free to view
1436/14/24The VaultAdded Shop videos
1426/4/24GamingMadden 04-07Added playbook Doc files
1415/19/24GamingNCAA Football 06Added Akron dynasty file
1405/9/24Football FilesAll real football content is under "Football Files", both playbooks and schemes
1394/20/24The VaultFootball SchemesAdded folder to house scheme/coach-based playbooks on the site.
1384/14/24The VaultRemoved videos/courses, keep the Vault file-based
1373/23/24The VaultChanged Course list file to "Videos"
1363/12/24GamingNCAA Football 2005Added team info file
1353/12/24GamingNCAA Football 2004Added team info file
1343/12/24GamingMadden NFL 08Added Denver Broncos playbook
1333/6/24GamingNCAA Football 03-11Added dynasty jump files (max & psu)
1323/4/24The VaultAdded Ace Playbook (NCAA Football 06) course
1312/21/24GamingNCAA Football 06Added Double-Bone playbook & call sheets
1302/18/24GamingNCAA Football 06Added Season 1 Akron dynasty file
1292/10/24GamingNCAA Football 09Created Call Sheets folder & added Baylor call sheets
1282/10/24GamingNCAA Football 06Added Air Force, Akron, Alabama, Arizona, Arizona State, Arkansas & Arkansas State call sheets
1272/8/24GamingNCAA Football 06Created Call Sheets folder & added Ohio State call sheets
1261/19/24The VaultAdded "Hawaii Warriors Gun Spread Scheme N07" video to the Courses file
1251/19/24The VaultMoved Courses file to the main Vault folder
12412/12/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added Arizona dynasty file
12311/27/23VariousAdded College Hoops 2K8 Leagacy Tracker
12211/27/23VariousMerged all play call sheet templates into one file, added a new one
12110/20/23FootballAdded 130+ NCAA and Pro defensive playbooks
12010/20/23FootballNCAA - High SchoolOrganized playbooks by offensive scheme (work in progress)
11910/20/23FootballNCAA - High SchoolMerged High School folder/content into NCAA folder
11810/19/23FootballAdded 270+ high school, NCAA, and Pro offensive playbooks
11710/14/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added "21 Plays From The Arizona Offense" book
11610/14/23The VaultAdded "Please Read" notice
11510/7/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added "Essential Defensive Pre-Snap Adjustments (NCAA Football 06)" Course
1148/31/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added Oregon Spread Playbook guide to books (team playbooks) folder
1138/26/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added Air Force Flexbone Playbook guide to books (team playbooks) folder
1127/26/23Shared PlaybooksCreated "Shared Playbooks" folder
1117/26/23GamingNCAA Football 06Moved Courses file to NCAA Football 06 folder
1107/18/23Coach Al's Film RoomChanged name of the file to "Courses"
1096/26/23Coach Al's Film RoomReplaced site with Sheets file so everyone can view
1086/19/23Coach Al's Film RoomAdded Modern Spread, Fun N Gunm and USC WCO Playbook courses
1076/19/23Coach Al's Film RoomCreated "Coach Al's Film Room" where all premium videos will be stored
1065/24/23GamingMadden NFL 07Added back all playbook Doc files. Added PDF versions with table of contents
1055/24/23GamingMadden NFL 06Added back all playbook Doc files. Added PDF versions with table of contents
1045/24/23GamingMadden NFL 05Added back all playbook Doc files. Added PDF versions with table of contents
1035/24/23GamingMadden NFL 04Added back all playbook Doc files. Added PDF versions with table of contents
1025/24/23GamingNCAA Football 06Removed USC WCO course. Will start selling courses separately since they're video based.
1014/26/23FootballNCAAAdded 2004 Georgia offensive playbook
1003/29/23The VaultReinstated the Vault, former Vault members still gain access.
993/1/23FootballProAdded 2022 Philadelphia Eagles Full Offensive Study
982/18/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added modded dynasty folder with Tulane file (end of season 4)
972/10/23FootballMoved Real Playbook Collection back to the Vault
961/24/23GamingNCAA Football 14Added Alabama playbook folder
951/13/23GamingMadden NFL 06Added all playbooks raw play images, and offensive formation list
941/12/23GamingMadden NFL 07Added offensive formation list, connected and added to the site too
931/11/23The VaultAdded Vault Request Form
921/9/23GamingMoved out all manuals & guides with a game page on the site so everyone can see & use them
911/8/23FootballMoved entire playbook collection to
901/5/23GamingNCAA Football 06Added Tulane dynasty file
891/4/23GamingNCAA Football 06Created Courses folder and added USC West Coast Offense course
8812/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2017 Oklahoma offensive playbook
8712/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2016 Michigan offensive playbook
8612/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2013 Washington offensive playbook
8512/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2018 Miami OH offensive playbook
8412/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2012 UCLA offensive playbook
8312/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2012 Samford offensive playbook
8212/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2015 & 2020 Texas offensive playbook
8112/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2013 Ohio State offensive playbook
8012/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2016 & 2017 Georgia offensive playbook
7912/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2000 New Hampshire offensive playbook
7812/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2018 Iowa offensive playbook
7712/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2017 Stanford offensive playbook
7612/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2017 Florida offensive playbook
7512/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1998 Illinois defensive playbook
7412/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1997 USC defensive playbook
7312/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1997 Michigan defensive playbook
7212/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1996 Miami FL defensive playbook
7112/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2019 Akron defensive playbook
7012/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2018 Appalachian State defensive playbook
6912/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2016 Eastern Michigan defensive playbook
6812/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2010 Hawaii defensive playbook
6712/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1997 & 2009 Tulane defensive playbook
6612/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2009 Delaware defensive playbook
6512/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2004 Virginia defensive playbook
6412/22/22FootballNCAAAdded CSU Pueblo defensive playbook
6312/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2004 Auburn defensive playbook
6212/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2002 Tennessee defensive playbook
6112/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2002 Oklahoma defensive playbook
6012/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 1998 UMass defensive playbook
5912/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2012, 2013 & 2018 Georgia defensive playbook
5812/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2021 U Chicago defensive playbook
5712/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2014 Clemson defensive playbook
5612/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2010 Alabama defensive playbook
5512/22/22FootballNCAAAdded "101 Plays From the Ole Miss Offense" to the 2021 offensive folder
5412/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2020 BYU offesnive playbook
5312/22/22FootballNCAAAdded 2020 Oklahoma offesnive playbook
5212/22/22FootballNCAAAdded Coastal Carolina offensive folder
5111/12/22GamingNCAA Football 05Added Play Images
5010/29/22GamingNCAA Football 06Made all Created School files exclusive to the Vault
4910/11/22GamingESPN NFL 2K5Added Bears, Bengals, and 49ers offensive playbooks
489/30/22FootballNCAAAdded 2004 Florida offensive playbook
479/29/22FootballProAdded 2017 Chicago Bears defensive playbook
469/27/22GamingMadden NFL 06Added team playbooks (in progress)
459/23/22GamingNCAA Football 06Created Schemes folder & I-Option Offense 2.0 folder within it for future video
449/20/22GamingNCAA Football 2003Moved PS2 Manual to NCAA CFB 2K3 folder (had wrong cover)
439/20/22GamingNCAA CFB 2K3Created game folder and added PS2 manual
429/20/22FootballProAdded 2001 New York Jets offensive playbook
419/20/22FootballProAdded 2001 Jacksonville Jaguars offensive playbook
409/20/22FootballProAdded 2000 New York Giants offensive playbook
399/20/22FootballProAdded 2000 Cleveland Browns offensive playbook
389/20/22FootballProReplaced 1997 New York Jets defensive playbook
379/20/22FootballProAdded 1997 Green Bay Packers offensive playbook
369/20/22FootballProAdded 1992 Dallas Cowboys offensive playbook
359/20/22FootballProAdded 1991 Buffalo Bills offensive playbook
349/20/22FootballProAdded 1990 Cincinnati Bengals offensive playbook
339/20/22FootballBooks, Articles, Etc.Added Norm Chow Passing file
329/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 2002 Washington State offensive playbook
319/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 2002 Oregon State offensive playbook
309/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 2002 Oklahoma Run Game playbook
299/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 2000 Northwestern offensive playbook
289/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 1993 San Diego State offensive playbook
279/20/22FootballNCAAAdded 1990 & 1992 Colorado offensive playbook
269/20/22FootballBooks, Articles, Etc.Added 5-Wide offensive playbook
259/19/22FootballProAdded 2012 Baltimore Ravens offensive playbook
249/19/22VariousPlay Call SheetsAdded Flexible Play Call Sheet file
239/19/22VariousPlay Call SheetsReorganized folder for future PCS files
229/12/22GamingMadden NFL 07Added all raw offensive play images
219/12/22GamingMadden NFL 05Added all raw play images
209/12/22GamingMadden NFL 04Added all raw offensive play images
199/12/22GamingNCAA Football 04Added all raw play images
189/12/22GamingNCAA Football 14Added all raw play images
179/12/22GamingNCAA Football 07Added all raw offensive play images
169/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2021 Buffalo Bulls offensive playbook
159/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2016 Oklahoma offensive playbook
149/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2018 Alabama offensive playbook
139/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2013 UCLA offensive playbook
129/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2012 Notre Dame offensive playbook
119/12/22FootballNCAAAdded 2011 Oklahoma State offensive playbook
109/12/22GamingNCAA Football 04Added "NCAA Football 2004 Playbook Guide" book
99/12/22GamingNCAA Football 06Added all raw play images
89/12/22GamingMadden NFL 07Created Play Charts folder containg two team PDF play charts & main Excel file
79/12/22GamingNCAA Football 14Added 5-Wide/Empty & Flexbone/Wingbone books
69/12/22GamingNCAA Football 06Added "NCAA Football 06 Recruiting Ratings Conversion Chart" file
59/12/22GamingNCAA 06, 07, 14Moved all of my books to their respective Game Files folder, removed Books folder
49/1/22FootballNCAAAdded 2021 Ole Miss offensive playbook
39/1/22FootballNCAAAdded 2019 Florida Atlantic offensive playbook
29/1/22FootballNCAAAdded 2016 & 2017 Atlanta Falcons offensive playbooks
19/1/22FootballProAdded 2019 Los Angeles Rams offensive playbook

1 review for The Vault

  1. Ted (verified owner)

    Al and “The Vault” are amazing. After lots of research, I’m glad I came across his site and purchased access to The Vault. Al is very responsive to emails and very help walking through downloading the items to make things easier. The playbooks are very clear and done well. The drive is done well and easy to navigate. Definitely worth the money spent. Playbook Gamer is for real. Cant give enough Praise for all his hard work and dedication to this site.

    Go Vols!! VFL!!

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